How do you get rich?

Tuesday, August 9, 2011

When I Become President.

Here are just some of the changes I would make if I became president of the United States of America. Let’s start from the bottom and work our way up first we will discuss energy production.
The taxes on all energy producers, Cole fire plants, diesel power plants and nuclear power plants that do not produce weapon grade plutonium will be cut by one half to three quarters. This would lower the price of energy which would allow the price of goods produced to drop thus strengthening the middle and lower classes. I would call for cleaner drilling procedures for oil production and cut the taxes on oil producers by half to three quarters.
The artificially high price on commodities, sugar, wheat, corn, and so on would be cut by half to three quarters. This would encourage less buying of foreign goods and stimulate domestic production. The entire ethanol industry would be disbanded because it consumes more energy that it produces and artificially inflates the price of domestic corn. Farm subsidies would stay the same. This would bring down the price of most food and encourage local grown produce and neighborhood farmers markets and small farmers to begin production once again.
The federal government would be required to procure one quarter to one half ton of newly mined and minted gold to be deposited in the gold depository every year on infinite. This would stabilize the out of control ups and downs of our economy and it would also stabilize foreign trade imbalances, and make the dollar stronger against foreign currencies. This would ensure the dollar to stay the currency of the world. The Federal Reserve would be eliminated thus removing the ability of manipulation of our currency by federal and foreign entities. Traditionally the dollar was valued at 371 grains of silver which converted to oz. is.848 oz. This was the value our founding fathers put on to our dollar and I don’t feel the need to change it when I reinstate the gold standard to our currency. By reinstating the gold standard and abolishing the Federal Reserve the rampant (if not criminal) printing of money will be severely slowed down, inflation (like today and gross deflation (such as the great depression 1930s) would be few and far between instead of every ten to fifteen years. The value of the dollar compared to other currencies would revert back to the 1930s to 1940 era or pre WW II are bringing about an economic condition similar to the this same time period.
The federal progressive income tax would be cut at all socioeconomic levels by one half to three quarters. Again the more spending power of the middle class, the stronger the economy. In the future a consumption tax (or flat tax) would be instated and our current tax code would be scrapped completely. All federal infrastructure companies and agencies would be publicized. All necessary upgrades and new construction would be put out to bid the same way all private capital construction is bid. A federal engineering agency would be tasked to design and build infrastructure that is required to last at least one hundred if not two hundred years before major repairs are needed. Maintenance on new and existing and construction would be critical. Private companies would be held to rigorous standards of quality by the engineering agency.
All US troops abroad would be called home. All US involvement in foreign affairs would cease and desist upon my inauguration. Any country that feels the need for United States involvement in their country would not be turned aside but a fee and a list of US services with reasonable prices would be given to the respective country and payment would be in precious metals or stones and deposited in the Federal depository BEFORE services are rendered. Countries that hate the United States will no longer have to put up with our intervening in their business. I personally believe that most countries would quickly come to regard us as very good friend in this instance. Federal spending for military would be cut by one half to three quarters but the foreign contribution would more than make up for and federal shortcomings. This would put money ion to the federal coffers instead of infinite spending and would actually pay for itself. Congressional oversight (as it stands today would not change).
Glass Stiegel, the policy that prevented banks to invest in private investments would be reinstated. When gitener and frank replied this legislation it freed the banks to invest in stocks and other private investments with money deposited by costumers without their permission and without rendering a percentage of the profit back to the depositors. Banks would have to rely on the interest and fees generated by loans and services. Sarbanes Oxley the legislation that requires an account of private inventory of companies would be replied allowing the private companies to conduct business in a freer manner. All federal one hundred percent coverage entitlement programs would be eliminated. If the 401K is good enough for the oil field workers it’s good enough for the federal workers. As of the day of my inauguration any child born after that date will no longer be eligible for social security. There are now more people leaving the work force and collecting social security than there are workers entering the work force to pay for them. The program has been bankrupt, corrupt, and raided since the day of its inception and it is time for it to go. Any and all federal funds for state welfare will no longer be awarded. States will bare this burden if they so choose. This will put more people to work and generate more income tax for the federal government, and stimulate job growth as the work force expands accordingly.
Regulation of private industry would be cut back. We see today the effect of a highly regulated economy. The invisible hand has worked in the past there is no resin for it not to work now, Keynesian economics has proven itself to not work, and the European countries that have experimented with it are in the process of eliminating it the United States should as well.
These are some ideas that, I think, would be a positive change for our country. There are more please leave comments or questions below. The cultured barbarian movement starts today, subscribe to my blog to here more of my ideas.

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