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Wednesday, July 29, 2009

Political Correctness Will Be Our Downfall

Communication is the backbone of civilization with out it all we have achieved, as humans will fall apart. We are all familiar with the story of the tower of Babel yes? In the beginning there was one language. The sons of man came together in the east to build a tower with its top in the heavens. This angered god and he cursed them with different languages. As a result the sons of man could no longer understand each other organization broke down and the sons of man were scattered abroad and over the face of all the earth. The tower was never finished and the city was abandoned. The biggest obstacle to communication today is not god but political correctness. Tonight you will learn three important things. How Political correctness takes away words. Second How political correctness takes away boldness? Lastly how political correctness robs us of our community.

Ill say it again communication is the backbone of civilization with out it all we have achieved, as humans will fall apart. Let me illustrate how political correctness takes away our words. Recently we have been told that it isn’t ok to use gender specific words like boy or girl. These gender specific words exclude half of the population and can hurt the feelings of the segregated group. What a load of crap. Gorge Carlen illustrated this idiocy when he did a joke about a manhole cover. He changed the name to a person hole cover. He also asked do we have to start referring to the guy who delivers our mail as a person person? Its ridiculous, and if we are forced to remove all gender specific references from our language I guess we cant let pilots sit in the cock pit any more either.

On July 2nd 1991 William Lutz published an article in the Washington post objecting to political correctness. "What I object to," said Lutz, "is when it becomes an imposition of a value system that isn't discussed. 'Politically correct' implies 'politically incorrect.' People believe the right word solves the problem. But all you're doing is shuffling labels, and the language becomes so vague as to be meaningless. “With out the proper words to express our selves we give up our power of speech and leave our selves vulnerable to people with the illusion of higher intelligence. We cannot let this happen.

Now that I shed some light on word removal lets talk about how political correctness takes away our boldness. Has any one ever been in a nice restaurant where some one is letting there kids run around the dining room? God forbid someone teach his or her kids how to sit and eat a meal. If I’m going to drop eighty dollars the last thing I want is someone’s kid interrupting my wife’s and I’s conversation. I’m not talking about john’s incredible pizza or chuck e cheese let the little rug rats have fun. But when I’m at cafĂ© med or Kc’s steak house. Leave the brat at home. We all have wanted to calmly walk up the parents and respectfully ask for them to please keep Jr. in his seat because he is disturbing others. Unfortunately we cant because we just can’t impose how we raise a child on other but we all have secretly applauded the person who got up enough balls and actually did it. Political correctness takes this boldness away.

Because of this lack of boldness we also look away when people really need our help. We all herd about the story of Kitty Genovese who in 1964 was brutally murdered in an ally in queens New York in an attack that lasted over 30 minutes. More than 30 people watched from open apartment widows and not one person tried to help or bother to call the police. When we have no boldness we give someone else the power to dictate how we live our lives and make decisions that are not in our best interest. If we freely give away our boldness we are freely walking away from freedom.

Now that you know how political correctness takes our words and boldness Ill show you how political correctness is robbing us of our sense of community. It wasn’t long ago when people walked down the street and would start conversations with people they didn’t know. Try that today and you could get pepper sprayed. Why? It’s not polite to talk to someone you don’t know. Don’t bother them. We are invading their privacy. When we were young we were taught not to talk to strangers. This is good advice. There are people out there desperate for human contact. Don’t let paranoid ideas and illogical fear keep you from interacting with your fellow human beings. We are social creatures we need to talk. Interact, and maybe just maybe come in to contact with another human being to keep our sanity. You’ve seen how political correctness is taking away our words, boldness and community; in fact it is much more diabolical than that.

Political correctness is no more than an agenda to control our thoughts and actions, its people telling us what to say and what to feel in cretin circumstances. In 1944 Gorge Orwell wrote a book called 1984 where a government agency called the thought police was in charge of the removal of words from the language. In the book the people were told it was to make there lives easier and more convenient but in fact it was a form of mind control to make it easier for the government to control the thoughts and ideas of the people. The underlying goal is that if something can't be said, then it can't be thought. We were born with a moral compass, an innate ability to tell right from wrong. We don’t need politicians or group leaders to tell us what we know in our harts to be true. Create your life on purpose. Because if you don’t someone else will create your life to suit there agenda and use you to better their life not yours. Racisms is bad, love is good (no shit) we all know this. Don’t simply take someone’s word about a subject, get up and form your own opinion, in your own words, for your own community. Don’t let big brother tell you what is right or wrong. You decide for your self what’s right or wrong. Be the captain of your own ship. We all have the power to shape our own destiny but very few actually do. Step up with me now and start living your life on purpose break the bonds of political correctness and truly feel what’s right and wrong, and live free. On your terms not someone else’s.

1 comment:

  1. Touche'. Political correctness is going to be the Trojan horse of todays society. By silencing our words Big brother is controlling our thoughts.
