How do you get rich?

Tuesday, August 2, 2011

Health Vs Wealth

I think it was mark twain that asked the question “why is youth wasted on the young”. Dear god I wish I could answer that question. I realized about 3 years ago I was not getting any younger. I also realized that my retirement years would be a miserable time in my life if I didn’t do anything about my finances. I started reading, studying, going to seminars and even got in to a network marketing business I convinced myself I could change the world with. Here I am three years later starting over again, Savings almost gone and a hundred and forty pounds overweight. What the hell happened?
Trump, Kiosaki, wiget, silver, all of the guru’s have the story about how they failed, started over and succeeded. But how many of them wrote in the middle of the bad times? They all knew they would succeed, in their heart of hearts they knew. But we always get the story from the successful side not the adversity side. Well here it is.
A few nights ago as I was driving to work (at 4:30 in the morning) I started feeling stabbing pain in my chest, they proceeded to get worse and worse until I had to pull over and call Casey (my wife) to come get me. After A three hour stay in the emergency room, chest X-ray, blood brawn, and much crying (from me not my wife) the doctor informed us that the medication that made the pain go away and allowed me to sleep, Was of absolutely no use for heart attacks. Thank God. Not a heart attack at forty (glad not to be that statistic). I slept and rested all that day and most of the next.
I saw my personal doctor the next day and got the proverbial good news bad news line. Good news not a heart attack, bad news there is a chance you have diabetes. I will be so glad when this summer is over. When I was a kid this crap never happened to me.
Well now that I am grown up enough to take care of my money I guess I need to start taking care of my health now to. Casey and I are detoxing this month and we are getting rid of all the kid food and stocking up on veggies and healthy snacks. All it took was a heart attack scare to get our asses in gear and eating the right way. It would be nice if I could learn something without having to have it beaten in to my head with a lead pipe.

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