How do you get rich?

Tuesday, August 9, 2011

When I Become President.

Here are just some of the changes I would make if I became president of the United States of America. Let’s start from the bottom and work our way up first we will discuss energy production.
The taxes on all energy producers, Cole fire plants, diesel power plants and nuclear power plants that do not produce weapon grade plutonium will be cut by one half to three quarters. This would lower the price of energy which would allow the price of goods produced to drop thus strengthening the middle and lower classes. I would call for cleaner drilling procedures for oil production and cut the taxes on oil producers by half to three quarters.
The artificially high price on commodities, sugar, wheat, corn, and so on would be cut by half to three quarters. This would encourage less buying of foreign goods and stimulate domestic production. The entire ethanol industry would be disbanded because it consumes more energy that it produces and artificially inflates the price of domestic corn. Farm subsidies would stay the same. This would bring down the price of most food and encourage local grown produce and neighborhood farmers markets and small farmers to begin production once again.
The federal government would be required to procure one quarter to one half ton of newly mined and minted gold to be deposited in the gold depository every year on infinite. This would stabilize the out of control ups and downs of our economy and it would also stabilize foreign trade imbalances, and make the dollar stronger against foreign currencies. This would ensure the dollar to stay the currency of the world. The Federal Reserve would be eliminated thus removing the ability of manipulation of our currency by federal and foreign entities. Traditionally the dollar was valued at 371 grains of silver which converted to oz. is.848 oz. This was the value our founding fathers put on to our dollar and I don’t feel the need to change it when I reinstate the gold standard to our currency. By reinstating the gold standard and abolishing the Federal Reserve the rampant (if not criminal) printing of money will be severely slowed down, inflation (like today and gross deflation (such as the great depression 1930s) would be few and far between instead of every ten to fifteen years. The value of the dollar compared to other currencies would revert back to the 1930s to 1940 era or pre WW II are bringing about an economic condition similar to the this same time period.
The federal progressive income tax would be cut at all socioeconomic levels by one half to three quarters. Again the more spending power of the middle class, the stronger the economy. In the future a consumption tax (or flat tax) would be instated and our current tax code would be scrapped completely. All federal infrastructure companies and agencies would be publicized. All necessary upgrades and new construction would be put out to bid the same way all private capital construction is bid. A federal engineering agency would be tasked to design and build infrastructure that is required to last at least one hundred if not two hundred years before major repairs are needed. Maintenance on new and existing and construction would be critical. Private companies would be held to rigorous standards of quality by the engineering agency.
All US troops abroad would be called home. All US involvement in foreign affairs would cease and desist upon my inauguration. Any country that feels the need for United States involvement in their country would not be turned aside but a fee and a list of US services with reasonable prices would be given to the respective country and payment would be in precious metals or stones and deposited in the Federal depository BEFORE services are rendered. Countries that hate the United States will no longer have to put up with our intervening in their business. I personally believe that most countries would quickly come to regard us as very good friend in this instance. Federal spending for military would be cut by one half to three quarters but the foreign contribution would more than make up for and federal shortcomings. This would put money ion to the federal coffers instead of infinite spending and would actually pay for itself. Congressional oversight (as it stands today would not change).
Glass Stiegel, the policy that prevented banks to invest in private investments would be reinstated. When gitener and frank replied this legislation it freed the banks to invest in stocks and other private investments with money deposited by costumers without their permission and without rendering a percentage of the profit back to the depositors. Banks would have to rely on the interest and fees generated by loans and services. Sarbanes Oxley the legislation that requires an account of private inventory of companies would be replied allowing the private companies to conduct business in a freer manner. All federal one hundred percent coverage entitlement programs would be eliminated. If the 401K is good enough for the oil field workers it’s good enough for the federal workers. As of the day of my inauguration any child born after that date will no longer be eligible for social security. There are now more people leaving the work force and collecting social security than there are workers entering the work force to pay for them. The program has been bankrupt, corrupt, and raided since the day of its inception and it is time for it to go. Any and all federal funds for state welfare will no longer be awarded. States will bare this burden if they so choose. This will put more people to work and generate more income tax for the federal government, and stimulate job growth as the work force expands accordingly.
Regulation of private industry would be cut back. We see today the effect of a highly regulated economy. The invisible hand has worked in the past there is no resin for it not to work now, Keynesian economics has proven itself to not work, and the European countries that have experimented with it are in the process of eliminating it the United States should as well.
These are some ideas that, I think, would be a positive change for our country. There are more please leave comments or questions below. The cultured barbarian movement starts today, subscribe to my blog to here more of my ideas.

Tuesday, August 2, 2011

Health Vs Wealth

I think it was mark twain that asked the question “why is youth wasted on the young”. Dear god I wish I could answer that question. I realized about 3 years ago I was not getting any younger. I also realized that my retirement years would be a miserable time in my life if I didn’t do anything about my finances. I started reading, studying, going to seminars and even got in to a network marketing business I convinced myself I could change the world with. Here I am three years later starting over again, Savings almost gone and a hundred and forty pounds overweight. What the hell happened?
Trump, Kiosaki, wiget, silver, all of the guru’s have the story about how they failed, started over and succeeded. But how many of them wrote in the middle of the bad times? They all knew they would succeed, in their heart of hearts they knew. But we always get the story from the successful side not the adversity side. Well here it is.
A few nights ago as I was driving to work (at 4:30 in the morning) I started feeling stabbing pain in my chest, they proceeded to get worse and worse until I had to pull over and call Casey (my wife) to come get me. After A three hour stay in the emergency room, chest X-ray, blood brawn, and much crying (from me not my wife) the doctor informed us that the medication that made the pain go away and allowed me to sleep, Was of absolutely no use for heart attacks. Thank God. Not a heart attack at forty (glad not to be that statistic). I slept and rested all that day and most of the next.
I saw my personal doctor the next day and got the proverbial good news bad news line. Good news not a heart attack, bad news there is a chance you have diabetes. I will be so glad when this summer is over. When I was a kid this crap never happened to me.
Well now that I am grown up enough to take care of my money I guess I need to start taking care of my health now to. Casey and I are detoxing this month and we are getting rid of all the kid food and stocking up on veggies and healthy snacks. All it took was a heart attack scare to get our asses in gear and eating the right way. It would be nice if I could learn something without having to have it beaten in to my head with a lead pipe.

Wednesday, July 29, 2009

Political Correctness Will Be Our Downfall

Communication is the backbone of civilization with out it all we have achieved, as humans will fall apart. We are all familiar with the story of the tower of Babel yes? In the beginning there was one language. The sons of man came together in the east to build a tower with its top in the heavens. This angered god and he cursed them with different languages. As a result the sons of man could no longer understand each other organization broke down and the sons of man were scattered abroad and over the face of all the earth. The tower was never finished and the city was abandoned. The biggest obstacle to communication today is not god but political correctness. Tonight you will learn three important things. How Political correctness takes away words. Second How political correctness takes away boldness? Lastly how political correctness robs us of our community.

Ill say it again communication is the backbone of civilization with out it all we have achieved, as humans will fall apart. Let me illustrate how political correctness takes away our words. Recently we have been told that it isn’t ok to use gender specific words like boy or girl. These gender specific words exclude half of the population and can hurt the feelings of the segregated group. What a load of crap. Gorge Carlen illustrated this idiocy when he did a joke about a manhole cover. He changed the name to a person hole cover. He also asked do we have to start referring to the guy who delivers our mail as a person person? Its ridiculous, and if we are forced to remove all gender specific references from our language I guess we cant let pilots sit in the cock pit any more either.

On July 2nd 1991 William Lutz published an article in the Washington post objecting to political correctness. "What I object to," said Lutz, "is when it becomes an imposition of a value system that isn't discussed. 'Politically correct' implies 'politically incorrect.' People believe the right word solves the problem. But all you're doing is shuffling labels, and the language becomes so vague as to be meaningless. “With out the proper words to express our selves we give up our power of speech and leave our selves vulnerable to people with the illusion of higher intelligence. We cannot let this happen.

Now that I shed some light on word removal lets talk about how political correctness takes away our boldness. Has any one ever been in a nice restaurant where some one is letting there kids run around the dining room? God forbid someone teach his or her kids how to sit and eat a meal. If I’m going to drop eighty dollars the last thing I want is someone’s kid interrupting my wife’s and I’s conversation. I’m not talking about john’s incredible pizza or chuck e cheese let the little rug rats have fun. But when I’m at cafĂ© med or Kc’s steak house. Leave the brat at home. We all have wanted to calmly walk up the parents and respectfully ask for them to please keep Jr. in his seat because he is disturbing others. Unfortunately we cant because we just can’t impose how we raise a child on other but we all have secretly applauded the person who got up enough balls and actually did it. Political correctness takes this boldness away.

Because of this lack of boldness we also look away when people really need our help. We all herd about the story of Kitty Genovese who in 1964 was brutally murdered in an ally in queens New York in an attack that lasted over 30 minutes. More than 30 people watched from open apartment widows and not one person tried to help or bother to call the police. When we have no boldness we give someone else the power to dictate how we live our lives and make decisions that are not in our best interest. If we freely give away our boldness we are freely walking away from freedom.

Now that you know how political correctness takes our words and boldness Ill show you how political correctness is robbing us of our sense of community. It wasn’t long ago when people walked down the street and would start conversations with people they didn’t know. Try that today and you could get pepper sprayed. Why? It’s not polite to talk to someone you don’t know. Don’t bother them. We are invading their privacy. When we were young we were taught not to talk to strangers. This is good advice. There are people out there desperate for human contact. Don’t let paranoid ideas and illogical fear keep you from interacting with your fellow human beings. We are social creatures we need to talk. Interact, and maybe just maybe come in to contact with another human being to keep our sanity. You’ve seen how political correctness is taking away our words, boldness and community; in fact it is much more diabolical than that.

Political correctness is no more than an agenda to control our thoughts and actions, its people telling us what to say and what to feel in cretin circumstances. In 1944 Gorge Orwell wrote a book called 1984 where a government agency called the thought police was in charge of the removal of words from the language. In the book the people were told it was to make there lives easier and more convenient but in fact it was a form of mind control to make it easier for the government to control the thoughts and ideas of the people. The underlying goal is that if something can't be said, then it can't be thought. We were born with a moral compass, an innate ability to tell right from wrong. We don’t need politicians or group leaders to tell us what we know in our harts to be true. Create your life on purpose. Because if you don’t someone else will create your life to suit there agenda and use you to better their life not yours. Racisms is bad, love is good (no shit) we all know this. Don’t simply take someone’s word about a subject, get up and form your own opinion, in your own words, for your own community. Don’t let big brother tell you what is right or wrong. You decide for your self what’s right or wrong. Be the captain of your own ship. We all have the power to shape our own destiny but very few actually do. Step up with me now and start living your life on purpose break the bonds of political correctness and truly feel what’s right and wrong, and live free. On your terms not someone else’s.